Hi everyone! After a year away from all my RPG Maker stuff, my life is (kind of) back on track and I did finish up a lot of work. I’m writing this post because I think I owe a lot of people an explanation, especially those who were worried about me. I want to thank you for all your support, and I am really sorry for being quiet for about a year.
What happened during the past year?
I believe some of you may know already, but I went to study abroad in the United States of America and I lived there for a year. I was an awesome experience and I would totally do it again, but some stuff didn’t work out as I hoped. As soon as my classes began (I’m an undergrad in Civil Engineering), I became very busy and I had little time left. Additionally, I left many friends back in Brazil, as well as my family and my girlfriend. Dealing with all of this was very difficult, so somewhere I completely lost control over my RPG Maker stuff. In addition, I had a lot of personal issues as well. But part of this was my fault too, I procrastinated and I could be more careful with my choices.
Other unexpected problem was the RPG Maker MV release only a few weeks after I released Ultra Lighting. People started to ask me to port my lighting engine to MV, instead of requesting more features for the script. There was a lot of pressure there, so I got MV and tried to learn how to do the conversion. The problem was that it was very difficult for me to learn Javascript (I really don’t like it!), and to learn how to do cool stuff with it. Besides learning how to work with Javascript and the RPG Maker MV engine, I needed to learn Pixi.js as well. I tried to deliver results, but my attempts failed pretty hard.
When I got back to Brazil, my classes started the next week, so there was little time to work as well. Fast forward the last semester to my vacation, and here I am trying to catch up with everything. I didn’t have time to answer people’s comments on rpgmakerweb yet, but I’ll do as soon as possible. I apologize if any of this caused inconveniences for you, I’m really sorry.
What will happen next?
First, let me say that I may become unavailable and unreachable between January 24th and February 10th (I have some important personal issues to solve), so please be patient.
On the next few days, I will update/release some new scripts and plugins, which you can learn more about below. I will try to reply to comments on rpgmakerweb as soon as possible too, but the priority will be to release/update content. If you have any questions or concerns, please send me an email.
End of support to my scripts
I’m sad to do this, but the support for all my previous scripts ended. I will only support “Khas Ultra Lighting” (RMVXA) and “Khas Advanced Graphics” (RMMV) from now. The reason is explained next.
My next move as a game developer
I believe one dream shared between all game developers is to release your own game (not necessarily entirely done by you, but I mean it’s your idea). I do have this dream and I feel that RPG Maker no longer helps me to achieve it. Since I started, I learned a lot about game development and I had a lot of fun while making scripts. Unfortunately, most of this fun is gone, specially after MV was released. I disliked programming in Javascript and I felt quite restricted by the MV’s limitations (mostly due to Javascript and PIXI).
After I finish dealing with all this updating/releasing/commenting stuff, I will start a project with my friend (possibly 2 friends). The goal will be to release this project, while enjoying making it. I will post updates about it here as it goes.
I would like to thank you guys for all the support so far, I truly appreciate it. It’s been an amazing ride and I’m really happy with all I have learned. Thanks!
[RMVXA] Khas Core Library 1.03
Updated to a new version, it’s now available to download.
- Improved Khas notetag system (support for negative numbers)
- Included scene map spriteset access
[RMVXA] Khas Ultra Lighting 1.1 Definitive Edition
Updated to a new version, which I’m sending to Degica on the next days. It should be available to download soon.
- Fixed [lighting on/off]
- Commands work now with omitted time
- Comment tags to override offset
- Command to read light intensity at a point
- Sticky jump add-on (fixes jump coordinates)
- Battle lighting add-on
- Light/shadow detector add-on
- Extended demo
This is the definitive update and will be the last one, except if bugs are discovered.
[RMVXA] Khas Message System 1.00
This is a balloon message system, with flat design and modern feel. It's available to download here.
[RMMV] Khas Advanced Graphics 1.00
This is my latest and, most likely, last RPG Maker script/plugin. You can download it here.